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Award for Excellence



Premiul pentru Excelență
2024: Premiul pentru Excelență- Premiile Naționale ale Uniunii Artiștilor Plastici din România pentru anul 2023
Gala Premiilor UAP din România, Aula Bibliotecii Centrale Universitare “Carol I” din București, 25 septembrie, 2024



Award for Excellence
2024: Award for Excellence – National Awards of the Union of Fine Artists of Romania for the year 2023
UAP Awards Gala in Romania, Aula of the Central University Library “Carol I” in Bucharest, September 25, 2024




Dorina Horătău. Reconstrucție de peisaj
Muzeul Național de Artă Contemporană, Sala de Marmură, 8.12. 2022 – 16.04. 2023
Curator: Călin Dan

“…Instalația Dorinei Horătău alcătuiește o pădure artificială, terifiantă prin elementul anorganic. Dezbărat de melancolie, pădurea de frunze moarte activează doar amintirile într-un parcurs complex, care reconstitue memoria locului. Artista recurge la sinestezii, conjugând vizualul cu dimensiunea haptică și cea sonoră; aceasta din urmă nu evocă, cum ar fi fost previzibil în scenariul melancolic, foșnetul frunzelor moarte călcate în picioare, ci sunetul brutal al loviturii de topor care atacă/omoară copacul. Impresia de agresiune este întărită de ledurile luminoase din fiecare stâlp, accentuând caracterul artificial ce domină elementul organic al naturii muribunde…”

Ruxandra Demetrescu



Dorina Horătău. Landscape Reconstruction
National Museum of Contemporary Art, Marble Hall, 8.12. 2022 – 16.04. 2023
Curator: Călin Dan

“…Dorina Horătău’s installation forms an artificial forest- terrifying, in its inorganic character. Stripped of melancholy, the forest of dead leaves activates only memories in a complex journey that reconstructs the recollection of the place. The artist resorts to synaesthesia, combining the visual with the haptic and sonic layers; the latter does not evoke, as would have been predictable in the melancholic scenario, the rustling of dead leaves trampled underfoot, but the brutal sound of the axe blow assaulting/ killing the tree. The sense of aggression is reinforced by the glowing LED lights in each pole, accentuating the artificiality that dominates the organic element of the dying nature…”.

Ruxandra Demetrescu

Catalog expoziție/ Exhibition catalog


Dorina Horătău. Reconstrucție de peisaj
de Sandra Demetrescu

Descriere catalog expoziție

Aflată în oglinda expoziției “Dorina Horătău. Reconstrucție de peisaj / Landscape Reconstructions”, broșura cuprinde documentarea fotografică a acesteia.

Publicată ca urmare a expoziției Dorina Horătău. Reconstrucție de peisaj / Landscape Reconstructions, curator Călin Dan, 8.12.2022-16.04.2023, Parter − Sala de Marmură.

Limbi: română, engleză

Colecția de broșuri a Editurii MNAC, catalog expoziție “Dorina Horătău. Reconstrucție de peisaj / Landscape Reconstructions”, ediție bilingvă(română, engleză), nr. pag. 28, dimensiuni: l: 14.8cm | H: 21cm, ISBN: 9786069044599, Editura MNAC, 2023


Dorina Horătău. Landscape Reconstructions
by Sandra Demetrescu

Description exhibition catalog

Located in the mirror of the exhibition “Dorina Horatău. Landscape Reconstructions”, the brochure includes its photographic documentation. Published as a follow-up to the exhibition Dorina Horatău. Landscape Reconstructions, curator Călin Dan, 8.12.2022-16.04.2023, Ground floor − Marble Hall.

Languages: Romanian, English

MNAC Books’ booklet collection, exhibition catalog “Dorina Horatău. Landscape Reconstructions”, bilingual edition (Romanian, English), no. pg. 28, dimensions: l: 14.8cm | H:

21cm, ISBN: 9786069044599, MNAC Publishing House, 2023


Textile Arts Section

Premiul BIAMT- Secțiunea Arte Textile

2022: Premiul BIAMT(Bienala Internațională de Arte Miniaturale Timișoara), 2022 – Secțiunea Arte Textile

Bienala Internațională de Arte Miniaturale Timișoara, ediția a V-a, eveniment online, Facultatea de Arte și Design din Timișoara, 5 decembrie, 2022

BIAMT Award – Textile Arts Section

2022: BIAMT Award (Timișoara International Miniature Arts Biennial), 2022 – Textile Arts Section

Timișoara International Miniature Arts Biennial, 5th edition, online event, Faculty of Arts and Design in Timișoara, December 5, 2022



Mixed media installation
Video/film documentation: Andrei Petrea
Work selected for Contextile/ 2020
Início | Contextile 2020 | Bienal de Arte Têxtil Contemporânea

Compact plant material (leaves), textile tapes, wooden plywood, clay, metal, pad (for video movie), headphones
Mixed media installation

The visual discourse refers to the memory of a place once fundamentally for each man, his birthplace.
The vegetal material – a conglomerate from leaves is assembled in a recuperative – symbolic manner.
The evoked / suggested place represents the individual, the family and the community from which the author belonged / belongs.
The leaves are a symbol for the people of the neighboring villages with the author birthplace,Plopeni (Suceava).
People (leaves) are collected (compressed, compacted) in bales (figurating the villages, municipalities / localities) serrated (wrapped / packed / regimented) on the porch of the house from Dumbrăveni (Suceava county, Romania).
Compaction of the leaves in stretch foil does not bring / promise anything good, because the symbol, the leaf, is at the end of the road, has fulfilled its last existential quality, its individual trait.
This type of “preservation / preservation” suffocates the natural material and in the end, everything becomes a compost.
The tradition and the people of the villages, today, come to be regarded as a consumer product associated with the current policies of globalization.

Do we really want this? – is the question we ask the recipients of the meanings of this work.